Rice Cake - Reisauflauf

Explanation of the word 'Auflauf':

The term "Auflauf" generally refers to a variety of meals that are made in casseroles and baked in the oven. It is a simple dish that is easy to prepare.

Recipe found at www.tourmycountry.com

Ingredients (3 to 4 persons)

125 g of rice
125 mL of milk
grated cinnamon
50 g of butter
50 g of sugar
3 eggs

Boil the milk and add all spices. Boil the rice in it until it is soft. Mix the butter with the sugar until foamy, stir in the yolks and mix all with the rice. Whip the egg white until stiff and mix them with the rice-dough. Grease a casserole or frying pan and coat it with some breadcrumbs. Then put the dough into it and bake at 175 degrees Celsius for about 40 minutes until golden-brown. Cut it into cubes and serve with chutney or fruit stew.


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