Minced Pork with Sour Cream - Faschierter Rahmbraten

I found this recipe on cookipedia.co.uk. A very traditional austrian meal. My mum always added some pickles to the minced pork..definitely one of my favourite dishes. It is easy to cook and tastes delicious.. mmhhh ..Enjoy your meal ;)


Serves 4


* 500 g minced lean pork
* 1 onion, minced or finely chopped
* 1 roll, soaked in milk and squeezed
* 2 eggs, beaten
* 2 tablespoons breadcrumbs
* Seasoning
* Marjoram
* Garlic to taste, crushed
* Extra breadcrumbs for coating
* 2-3 tablespoons meat stock
* Lard or oil
* 125 ml sour cream
* 1 teaspoon flour

Pre-heat oven to 220° C (425° F - gas 7)


1. Mix together all but the last four ingredients until you have a fairly firm consistency.
2. Roll the mixture into a sausage shape and coat lightly in the extra breadcrumbs.
3. Melt the lard in a frying pan and quickly brown the meat on all sides.
4. Place the meat in a baking dish and add the stock.
5. Immediately, reduce the oven temperature to 180° C (350° F - gas 4) and bake the meat for about 30 minutes, basting frequently.
6. Add more stock if necessary.
7. Just before serving, mix the cream with the flour, bring to the boil and mix with the meat juices.

Serving suggestions

Serve with noodles or potato dumplings.


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